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Thacher Hall, a former church in Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts, is a secular venue welcoming all kinds of events and celebrations, including weddings. It is owned by the Yarmouth New Church Preservation Foundation, which is dedicated to preserving this historic American Gothic building as a vibrant cultural center and community space, open to all.
Here's the scoop on our new name.
The building you have known and loved as the Yarmouth New Church, is now Thacher Hall.
While we honor the Yarmouth New Church’s history as a place of worship for the Swedenborgian faith, we believe the new name makes it clear that we are a secular home for community and the arts. Our name honors one of the founding families of Yarmouth who have always been patrons of the building.
Our supporting foundation, the Yarmouth New Church Preservation Foundation, continues as a nonprofit. Our beautiful building, however, has a new name, clarifying its mission as a site welcoming to everyone.

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